Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Butts and such

So, Big Boss is ridiculously proud of some silly blog he wrote in French months ago. He's gloating, while also goading us to up our game. Meanwhile, we write once a week and he chimes in every couple of months, of course his isn't just being churned out due to necessity. Anyway, I think this is my best yet. Read it and tell a friend - it needs more views than his ;)

The Naked Truth by Le Lorrain, rather, yours truly.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

This just in...

A random list of things learned or discovered on a random Thursday:

1. A poor night of sleep in a hot room due to a broken air conditioner will lead to reading "Baby girl (+/- 12 mths) Christmas dress for sale" as "BABY GIRL FOR SALE".

2. Daft Punk, distorted through headphones and two seats over, sounds like bagpipes.

3. When you need the day to be longer, it flies by, and when you wish it away, it's slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter.

4. Being caught with water dribbling out of your mouth is still better than spilling an entire bottle on your multiple projects and key board.

5. If you say enough ridiculous things to non-native speakers, they'll start saying them, too. Which has lead to: "Maybe it's a tumor." "YOU'RE a tumor." "Wow, that was kind of mean."

6. Thursday generally proves to be the most entertaining and interesting day of the work week.

7. Though, Thursday will never be as joyous as Friday. Unless it's a three day weekend. Have a good one! Happy December!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Good-bye America, I'll miss you.

Well, I'm off. After a three day delay - thank God I waited at my mom's rather than sitting in the airport; and damn you, Sandy, damn you. Though, I suppose that one day I'll tell my grandchildren about it. I'm heading back to 'Nam. Excited, fulfilled, and full of love, I'm happy to have experienced the US as a vacation destination.

Driving up to JFK was much less stressful and more promising that I originally thought it would be. There was only traffic at the end, near the airport. Perhaps Sandy and her watery ways scared everyone off as much as I was concerned that it was a waste of time. We walked in and within 30 minutes standing there I had a ticket and was rushed off to the gate - because the plane was leaving in another 30 minutes - like LEAVING, not just closing the doors and sitting there. Lessons learned? A) Do not take China Eastern. B) Wait three days and forge ahead with previous plans. C) Show up with one hour to go, they'll take you ;).

It was great seeing everyone I managed to fit in, in such a short period of time. Thanks to all for making a much anticipated journey and experience totally worth it. I'll try not to wait nearly two years to get back again!

Notes from the back of the plane: Sitting by the bathroom is the worst. Not only does it smell from 30 minutes after you sit down, but people crowd around waiting for it to be empty. No, sir, he's not going to come out any faster just because you're standing here.

Also. How does one board a 15 hour flight with NOTHING to entertain himself? I'll never understand.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Happy Birthday, Momma!

Now that all is said and done I can stop being so damn secretive.

My brother and I planned what turned out to be a really amazing surprise birthday party for our mom. We managed to break into her phone, address books, and email accounts to notify friends from near and far, past and present. The Chelsea Hotel is a great venue - surprise or not. It was a terrible secret to keep, but she truly enjoyed it and I don't think we could have given her a better gift.

Being back on the east coast has been such a relaxing experience. It's been so wonderful to see so many familiar faces and know that while I'm far in distance it is clear that I'm never far in heart. It's cliche to boast of how wonderful your family and friends are, but I couldn't ask for a better set, either in the States or abroad. I've been really lucky to build such an incredible "fan" base (as Bill and I like to call it) and I'm happy to know that where ever I go, I'm going home.

That said. I came to see you suckers. Now come see me!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I'm coming home...

I tried to stay awake and reflect on my feelings about going back to the US for the first time in almost two years, but it was simply too hard and I was too sleepy. A four hour nap can't really mess up trying to catch up to the east coast time zone can it? Thankfully there are sleeping aids.

Getting off the plane in Shanghai, or wherever I am, sadly, I'm not even sure, the lines separated Foreigners and Citizens. And it hit me. I'm not, for just a few short weeks, going to be a "foreigner" anymore! The idea of walking through in the States and it being mine (in some grand scheme of things) - gotta admit I got a bit teary. If they don't say welcome home, I'm going to be really disappointed.

A few hours later: It all comes flooding back, you know? Ebbing and flooding like the tide. The reasons you left, the reasons you wish you'd stayed, the various reasons in either case that you may regret in years to come.

I don't think this will be entirely easy. Enjoyable, but not easy. And luckily, I'm not one for regretting.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Happy October!

Well, Jenny's gone and I'm working with my FOURTH English editor since I've been here. At least Jen stuck out the year - otherwise I'd think there was something wrong with me.

Know those flatmates I make reference to all the time? Meet Cat and Chris:

Chris and I are moving down two floors and over three apartments in the same building to a 2br this weekend. Cat's going back to the UK for an indiscriminate amount of time. Meanwhile, I'm slowly working my way to having my very own place for probably the first and only time in my life - not on purpose, I'm just tired of shuffling through different flatmates.

Stay tuned in coming weeks for exciting news! (No, I'm not having any babies, or puppies for that matter. I DID try to get a baby chick, but Dan discouraged it, probably for the best.)

Friday, September 21, 2012

Walk like summer, talk like rain

Lots of fun, crazy, exciting, and sad things to come starting this weekend through the end of October. Here's a photo from last weekend - gearing up for it all.

This is after being caught in an epic rainstorm, chauffeuring Maren and myself on my bike, down to the backpacker area for a little R&R after a long week, sitting in a cafe DRENCHED. Later met up with some other friends for a hop around town - we walked everywhere (it wasn't raining anymore, but I felt damp for the rest of the evening, ugh) and I'm incredibly proud of us. (Sidenotes: A) Check out the yellow nails! B) We are not pinching Dan's ear, Kat is leading me elsewhere. C) Thanks, Glenn, for finding this gem!)

Hope your smiles are as big as that one. Love!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Me: I hate children. (sneeze) They touch things and then give me their germs.

Dan: No you don't.

Me: Fine, I like them like I like dogs, in theory.

My youngest student (I was going to say child, but I wouldn't want any of you to think I'd lost my mind and ventured into parenthood) was coughing and sneezing on me last week; "Andrew, cover your mouth!" never worked very long. So now my eyes are itchy, my nose stuffy, and my throat scratchy. Ugh, (germy) children. Maybe I'll take tomorrow off.

On a much happier, less congested note, Happy, happy 30th birthday to my dearest brother!

I saw one of my facebook friends did 27 random acts of kindness for her 27th birthday - something to consider for my 28th.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hoi An and learning French

I'm working on this (never-ending) project and happened across a museum site that is only in French - which is weird because their other languages are Luxembourgish and German, but not the point. So, I needed to work out the address, contacts, opening hours, etc and was able to figure it all out without consulting a translator. I did have to ask what a word that turned out to mean "weekly" was, but in the big picture, my French is really coming along. Now, if only I made more time to study and practice.

In other news, I just returned from a three-day weekend in Hoi An. It is easily the most beautiful beach and town I've been to in Vietnam yet. We stayed in a four-star hotel with olympic-sized outdoor pool, just 20 meters from our room and another 20 meters from the beach, a pool bar on one side and a spa on the other. We rented a motorbike to drive in and out of town for the length of our stay and I got three dresses, 2 shorts, and a skirt made. I also got a bathing suit made, but it got left behind because it wasn't the right size and we ran out of time to wait for it to be fixed. Surely I will return. I've caught the tailor-made bug and the only cure is moving somewhere in which tailor-made clothes are unrealistically too expensive.

I took a few photos, but not many. And in the last three hours of the trip I broke my camera: a plastic bottle of Revive (energy drink) was just below the bank on the sand, moments away from being swept away by the tide. I noticed it while I was taking photos and decided to pick it up; walking over, I fell down the bank, dropping my camera in to the sand, so now the lens cover won't open all the way. Disappointment. I got it fixed once before in Nha Trang, so maybe I can again, but what ever is broken this time is different from what was broken before. Maybe if I bang it against enough things, the sand will fall out and all will be saved - surely I know that will only break something else. The good news: I rescued the plastic bottle.

"That's what you get for trying to save the environment." :P

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Toughing out the week

To be quite honest this past week was rather un-enjoyable - there are a slew of other words I could use, but I will likely one day use this blog to procure another job and so I will just say it wasn't a wonderful week.

I re-signed yet another six month contract with this company on Tuesday, for which they've promised a full flight "home". I tried to argue that I may not want to go "home" and that maybe I'll find a job in South America or Germany or something, but he was afraid I'd use it to go on an extended holiday. In the end I conceded before he changed his mind altogether. Besides, at that point I will not have been home in two years and even if I do decide to come back and work for another company in Vietnam/Asia, a one way ticket is much cheaper than a RT.

Anyway, with the re-signing came an overwhelming feeling of dread, which I still cannot explain even if the feeling has well passed. I guess I'm really just missing the comforts and familiarity of people back home that I've known for years and years and to whom I don't have to explain why I just need some time apart. I guess life-guarding for ten years really didn't help me spend nine hours a day at work, and then four hours an evening socialising with the same ten people. Though, in all fairness, most people have a work life and social life that never meet.

But here we are at the end of one and beginning of another week. It's my work Saturday, for which I'm convinced whoever invented working on Saturdays not only hated having a life outside of work, I also think they had an incredible amount of money because when you're working you're not spending! On my way in this morning I discovered my first flat tire here. It was a really, honestly all sarcasm aside, beautiful moment sitting on the side of a busy road in the cool morning air while the guy who's set up there every day fixed my flat. I never take time to sit outside in the morning - who does? But maybe I should.

Other than that, nothing too special going on. I'm going to Hoi An next weekend with no one from work. Not only looking forward to the beauty I've only heard of and seen in photos, the thousands of tailors, and the seclusion of beach life, but especially to actually coming to miss the things that were driving me crazy last week.

Hope you're all well and gearing up for Autumn. Oh how terribly I miss boots and scarves. Lots of love, L

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Professional blogger, at your service...

I've been blogging for my company since June or so. Big Boss oscillates between wanting the blogs to be controversial, funny, or informative. I've kept it to myself for the most part because, adhering to his request to be controversial, I may upset some friends and family with a few of my remarks. Also, there's actual controversy with the company which is a few years old but keeps us all wondering what will happen when we apply to other (publishing) companies.

In order to retain some of my anonymity, I came up with the great idea to use aliases which we can share with prospective employers or not. Thus far I'm the only one that's stuck with the idea and requested my alias be added to previous posts. I chose Le Lorrain Andrews after 17th century Baroque painter Claude Lorrain. Some are funnier than others, others are more controversial than some, if you come across them, keep in mind that it's done for readership, to stir a little controversy, and to keep people coming back for more. I don't necessarily believe everything I write in there AND I've always enjoyed a rousing round of Devil's Advocate, right mom? ;)

A Few Thoughts from Parkstone International

Monday, July 9, 2012

I bought a bike!

Yesterday I watched someone else drive off with my baby, we were just approaching our one-year anniversary. But, I have a new love now, and she's all mine.
She's not as beautiful as my old one, and we've got to get used to each other, but I think this is the start of a beautiful relationship.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Henry Rollins Strikes Again

Seriously love this guy. He's always got something beautiful/insightful to say.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Building a home?

I'm reading 'Art Deco' before it goes to first print and I came across this, which I hope to remember if I ever get around to building/renovating my own space:

“Demand that the bathroom, fully sunlit, be one of the largest rooms in the apartment, the old living room for example. With full-length windows, opening, if possible, onto a terrace for sunbathing, a porcelain washbasin, a bath-tub, showers, and gym equipment. In the adjacent room: a walk-in wardrobe for dressing and undressing. Do not undress in your bedroom. It is not very clean and it creates a distressing disorder. Demand one big room in place of all the living rooms. If you can, put the kitchen under the roof, to avoid odours. Demand a garage for cars, bicycles, and motorbikes from your owner, one per apartment. Ask for the servants’ quarters to be on the same floor. Do not pen your servants in under the roofs.” - Le Corbusier

Meanwhile, I just finished my first real book. The first one a six year old could have done, the second one big boss took over, and finally I got my own. The subject matter is erotic art in Berlin. Big boss kept checking on me because he thinks Americans are prude, but I think it went well. I hope he looks at it before he goes to France for two weeks so I can move on to the next step. If it's approved with few changes I'll get to do Amsterdam and Paris as well. I have to admit, however, I am a little weary and desensitised to looking at the business end of men and women and especially exaggerated orgies. All in a day's work.


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What Happens When You Live Abroad

I don't know when I'm going to make it back to the States. Some days I'm not even sure I ever want to. The longer I'm gone, the smaller and further away it seems. I'm missing weddings, birthdays, babies - but none of it feels like enough to give this up.

If you're ever wondering what's really going though my head, check out this article and skim through some of the comments. I always thought all ex-pats had something at the core in common, this is just further proof.


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Bronchitis and Freelancing

Bad news: Picked up bronchitis and have been out of commission since last Saturday. The doctor's ordered me not to go to work and everything. Pretty sure Big Boss is none too pleased with this, especially when he realises I've got firm plans to go to Thailand or Malaysia for a week in July... Time will tell. Also bad news, I'm going to have to sit out on this month's dOSe party - which is always so much fun. Sad times. Maybe we'll make it to Intercon Brunch this weekend, which would make up for all the other bad news.

Good news: Picked up a freelance editing gig for an American here who wrote a children's book. I'm having tons of fun working it in between naps, watching The Wire, and showering my fever away. It's my first proper freelance gig and she took my first quote with no negotiation (it would be unprofessional to further brag). I'm not going to make tons off of this project, but it'll give me extra cred and experience. And the character (a sixth grade smartie pants out to save the world from pollution) is a little riot. We could have been friends.

The writer is Jersey born and raised and moved to California when she was 25. She's been out here three years and is heading back for good at the end of the month. She's a free spirit and great to talk to, probably because we can relate to each other. I wish I'd met her sooner. If this book becomes anything, she plans to write more to the series, maybe she'll ask me to edit for her again. Michael said it would be funny if I was editing the next Harry Potter. Having read the Harry Potter series three times now, I highly doubt it, but that would be pretty amazing.

Love to all

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Scrolling message across the screen

You know when you're watching television and a storm is coming from some far off place and a warning scrolls across the bottom of the screen? I find it very disconcerting that, that also happens here, but I have no idea what it's saying. "Lauren, come claim your 1,000,000,000 dong [which is about $47,000]! You have ten minutes or we give it to someone else." Oh, crap.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Russian Bar, I Feel Love

I know it's been ages and ages and I keep saying I'm going to update and I never do. But I will and I'll send a mass email out when that happens.

Until then get an inside view of nightlife here in Saigon - it's a video of the last night at the city's most popular after-hours bar. If you stick around until around 2:40 you'll catch a glimpse of Dan (the one in the cast, a story of which will be posted in my March backlog) and I.

Love to all <3 and a special shout out to Miss CMB for her birthday

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mama Said There'd Be Rain Like This

I tutor in the evenings after work 2-3 times a week. Sometimes I'm tired and don't feel like going and other times it's raining so badly (and I still have to go) that I feel the need to blog about it so here goes:

Emotions of Driving in a Saigon Rainstorm

Happy: I forgot to take my yoga clothes out of my bag, so I'll have something (albeit covered in yesterday's sweat) to change into. Also, there is 3/4 less traffic because why travel in the rain (on a motorbike, no less) when you don't have to? I realised there would be a lot less to contend with when driving through the street market - less motorbikes, less slow pedestrians, and wait.... NO BICYCLES AT ALL! (I've recently decided that I'm anti-bicyclists, at least here.)

Nostalgic: I was wearing this dress for my first major rainstorm in this city - it got soaked through that time, too. The children are running, laughing, and playing even though it seems as though the sky is falling.

Surprised: The mini floods are quite warm when they're splashed on your bare leg. (But definitely angry that I'm being splashed at all.)

Nervous: It's getting awfully windy out here... almost there, almost there!

Wistful: I wish I could go home and cuddle up with my book (The Beach), crank up the aircon, and wear sweatpants. (Yes, I know it all sounds counterproductive and is going to contribute to the ruining of the earth, but sometimes a girl just needs to cuddle up in sweats).

Proud: I was recently complimented on my driving skills and the rain appears to be making no difference in that department. I've also worked out all of the roads with the least flooding, so I'm not drowning up to my ankles.

Overjoyed: The bumpiest road with the most potholes in the existence of time has been paved! I'm no longer at risk of losing my front tire, or whole bike in one of them! Way to go Government; thanks for the awesome surprise!

Unamused: The rain. Has stopped. As I pull up to the gate where I tutor. Go figure.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Drama, guns, and Harry Potter ... oh my!

My English friend and colleague, Jenny, sent me this video TNT Knows Drama. I got a kick out of it ... until the end when the silly Europeans just stand there during the gun shots. Don't they know you're supposed to hit the ground or run off in a zigzagging motion (or is that only with bears?)?

Further, for all of you Harry Potter fans:
Lauren: I can't believe no one ducked or got nervous when there were gun shots. Is that showing my Americaness?
Jenny: I don't think us Europeans know how to act around guns.
Jenny: We probably think they're magic Harry Potter killing wands.
Lauren: I think an avada kedavra (which I spelled wrong by one letter! I'm both proud and ashamed) death would be worse than a gun death.
Jenny: Really? It's so quick and painless.
Lauren: But, if you had a wand, too, you could have deflected it.
Jenny: Nahhh it depends on your reactions, it's like a giant game of bop it.

Clearly, a lot of work is being done this afternoon. It's not even Friday. x

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Rules to live by: 1. Don’t take anything personally 2. Don’t assume/judge 3. Stay true to your word 4. Always do your best

"Just let it be. You may as well; it is. Everything moves in and out at its own time. You have no control. You never did; you never will."

Don't ever give up on finding the love you deserve. And when you do, don't ever let anything or anyone come between it.

I've got to be true to myself cause I can't make you happy, unless I am-- Z.MARLEY

Thanks Miss Halley for always always sharing your positive messages and mantras.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happy Easter and other things

Hi all, hope you had a wonderful Easter and Passover!

Nothing too exciting going on around here, just waiting for my shower heater to warm up after a very sweaty but incredible yoga session and before Ladies Night with the girls at Lush.

Wanted to note: Downward Facing Dog is a terrible terrible way to spend positioned for half an hour. However, few feelings are more rewarding (or make you feel as, excuse the lack of a less strong word, sexy) than a sweaty Warrior 2 pose at the end of an intense yoga session.

Here's an amazing cover by Florence that got me through hours and hours of looking at images of mosques, madrasahs, and minarets in Central Asia today: Florence and the Machine: Take Care (orig. Drake). After all of that, I think I need to go to Uzbekistan to see it for myself. Any takers?

In the meantime, there's a four day weekend at the end of the month. Aiming for southern Thailand, but considering popping over to Shanghai, Beijing, or Myanmar. Not sure if there's enough time to do those last three in four days. LoVe to all, x

Friday, March 30, 2012

Let's visit the hospital!

I'm in the hospital - but it's not what you think. My friend Dan got in a motorbike accident yesterday and needs pins in his ankle.

It's really weird being on this side of the waiting - it's been so long since it wasn't me. So much love and respect for everyone that sat through it for me. Also funny, I'm crazy tired, it's 2 am on a school night as I like to call them, though I'm not in school, but Dan's been passed out for like five hours while I've been fretting about what happens next in this Vietnamese bone hospital where no one speaks English except he and I, while also managing the threat of a panic attack, which I'm sure has very little to do with Dan's health and everything to do with how disgusting this place feels to me. There's a guy smoking in the waiting room next to me, just 5 metres from the door to where people's limbs are nearly falling off. Oh, hi little cockroach! No, we cannot be friends.

The bed next to Dan has been occupied by three different people (that I've seen) since we've been here waiting. No one's bothered to change the sheets and there's a blood stain that has been there since before I arrived, it's slowly turning brown and no one seems to have noticed or care except me.

Having someone close to me get in such an accident and have to come to a place like this has definitely scared me straight about driving, even if most of the things that happen to me are while parked. But I have to admit, despite the utter disgust and stomach churning things going on around here, I'd rather get fixed here than anywhere else - it's all they do: fix up battered motorbike drivers.

Gonna try and catch some z's while Dan's in surgery. Sweet dreams!

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Once again I find myself chewing Menthol and Eucalyptus gum. I am not a koala bear! This is not pleasing.

On another note, all gum in Vietnam is reminiscent of a cold remedy back home.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Allegory of Wealth

Just wanted to share my newest favourite painting - check out the judgement in that baby's face... "Lucy, you got some 'splainin to do."

Hope everyone else's weekend was as great as mine, and mine was really great - despite leaving parties.

Simon Vouet, Allegory of Wealth, c. 1630-1635.
Oil on canvas, 17 x 12.4 cm.
Musée du Louvre, Paris.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Je ne suis pas celle que vous croyez.

I'm taking French lessons.

You would think learning Vietnamese would have been the goal here, but one year in I've got my directionals, plesantries, and food requests sorted. Further than that I've just given up hope, I mean I can hardly pronouce my street name (Nguyễn Ngọc Phương).

But I'm kicking butt and taking names in French, even starting to understand the Euros. I should have taken this on 11 months ago.

Still on the flatmate search. Fun, fun times. (Sarcasm.)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Happy Daylight Savings

Hi all, the rumours are true, I've extended my stay here in Ho Chi Minh City. Three to six months to start, but will consider a full year given the right situation and stars aligning etc etc.

I'm looking for flatmates because I waited to long to decide to stay - or I'll have to move. Once that's all sorted I imagine it will feel like home again, but until then I've been a bit frazzled and second guessing my decisions. I'm still working for the same company.

I am going to take the time to update January through now. I just found the notes I took while away on Tet in Thailand - nothing from Cambodia because I was so sick. Lots of photos on my Facebook from those travels.

Just wanted to share this because it's got all of us, particularly the women of the office, up in arms. It makes me quite sad and disappointed, all of these paintings were more beautiful the first time around: Art nudes have gone skinny Check it out and join my rage. Damn you 21st century and your beauty 'ideals'.

We're back to an 11 hour time difference and I'm not a fan. But I AM a fan that I don't have to deal with it here. Love and love and love to all <3

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Long distance

On the precipice of making what seems difficult at first and has kept me up many-a-night, but will eventually be an easier decision of all the decisions I imagine that I'll ever make: I have decided to stay in Vietnam for an undetermined period of time. I realise the things I will lose, but cannot help but think of all that I have gained in this journey and what more there is to discover.

I've been in a very long distance relationship with many of you for all of this time. Some of us have kept in very close touch, some of us have teetered on the edge of mere acquaintanceship, and others of us simply separated at the start. I am sure being in close touch will be less and less the longer I am gone, but for now, this is the right decision for me. I love and miss you all much too much for words and your places are well-preserved in my heart - it's grown since I've been gone, you know, I've got room for the whole world now. Take care of yourselves, take care of each other.

"Long distance cannot be measured in I-love-you's or I-miss-you's. Words mean nothing when they cannot be felt as sincerely as they are meant. Perhaps with changing times come changing love letters so to once again give such overused words their original meaning."

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Just do it...

Hello my dear loved ones, I know I still owe you a whole month's worth of update, but I'm running out of time to post THIS post and I'm leaving for Thailand in the morning.

So, my request, please please please go see Red Tails next weekend. There's a bunch of controversy surrounding it and who doesn't love proving Hollywood wrong? Of course, I'd go myself but films are about a month and a half behind in Vietnam. Here's an article with more precise details to light your fire in case the idea of an amazing black cast in a film about the Tuskegee Airmen and it being George Lucas' second film in years and years that has nothing to do with Star Wars or Indiana Jones isn't enough. (Ugh, the links never work, copy and paste: http://www.theroot.com/buzz/red-tails-travails-highlight-hollywoods-racism)

Now that I've stated my piece, I'm off to pack for 2 weeks schlepping through Thailand and Cambodia. Love to all <3