I've learned over the years to keep my negativity to myself, which is why you rarely come across posts of lamentation. But I just needed to get off my chest, no matter how long I'm here or how many times I've been to get gas - I still hate the experience. I am forever being cut in the queue and there is no respect or regard for the lower portion of my legs which are at high risk of being burned (Saigon-kiss free since 2011!).
Really, the Vietnamese could stand to take a lesson in waiting their turn and waiting patiently. Another funny story, which also happened today, comes to mind: I forgot the packet of pills I'm taking at the office and was forced to go to the pharmacy pick up a new one - because there's a schedule to it. ANYWAY I'm in the queue, waiting my turn, though endlessly being cut by Vietnamese women (no one respects the order of lines! bastards). Anyway, I'm panicking because I can't remember the brand name and of course I can't say it in Vietnamese - then, by the grace of God, ... I've just realised this story isn't appropriate for a public forum, but let's just say everyone laughed and got what they wanted, even if I had to wait around much longer than planned.
Learn something new everyday. This is what I learned in Czech today: Byl lepší, než jsme si mysleli. It translates loosely to "It was better than we thought." Which is basically a life mantra around here.
Many happy birthdays to all of you January babies!