I've been thinking about teaching full time, but then I come to my senses.
Yesterday I got two new students along with David and Andrew, my devilish little angels for the past two years who I tend to miss even though I haven't left them yet. Hannah is ten, the same as Andrew, very quiet and studious. I like her. I like Andrew, too, he's a bit of a suck up, but he's well behaved and genuinely excited about nearly everything, except math. David is of course a pain in my butt and he's reached 13, the first day of which, I swear I walked into the room and he was frowning. I said, "What's wrong, Gloomy Gus?" He shrugged his shoulders. To which I said "No, no way, you JUST hit adolescence, you don't get to be a sullen brat already." Needless to say, he kept scowling.
BUT, to the point of this post. I met my ideal child - I really want to have a daughter that grows up to be just like her. She's as cute as a button, which doesn't hurt, and her little elfin voice makes her a giggle to listen to. The whipped cream on top is that she actually said, without ANY prompting from me, though I had told David he was being a poor influence, Guys, we need to be quieter so everyone can concentrate. She's SIX! Gah, the cutest. And the cherry, of course, is that she hugged me on the way out.
Friends, family. I may have to express adopt this child. I hope I will have your support. They simply can't come any better than that. And she's potty trained.
PSA: For those of you that are not familiar with my sense of humour, express adoption is kidnapping. And illegal. Which is why I need support ;)