Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Vocabulary lessons in my own language... who knew?

So, my weekend in Ba Ria with the Euros was a lot of fun (despite the unending French) and I have a hand-written entry to post, I'll get to that as soon as possible. As well as neglected emails. I'm anticipating a slow week, though there's only three and a half work days, so how much could really happen (isn't that the last thing anyone says before utter chaos strikes?)? Yes, one-half. The boss is making us all come in for a half day on Saturday to make up for the two weekdays he gave us. I'm not complaining though - seriously.

I wanted to share the new words I learned at work today. They are real words, in the dictionary.

higgledy-piggledy - in utter disorder or confusion
kerfuffle - a commotion or fuss

Also, Mom, you may find mild humor (or disgust) in this, the book I'm proofing now uses the word armpit! I changed it to underarm, but still... it's more widely used than even I thought.

Love and miss you all. Hope spring is bringing the much anticipated May flowers <3

1 comment:

  1. I busted out laughing. Thanks for changing it. Pit always makes me think of digging:)
    My new phone doesn't have the smiley face button. I miss it
