Monday, July 4, 2011

I'm baaaccckkkk

It's been ages and I'm so sorry! My laptop has been in the shop for almost three weeks now. They fixed it and gave it back to me. Geniusly, I turned it on before I took it home: they erased EVERYTHING when I explicitly asked them not to and said I would find an alternative if it came to that. So, at the thought of all the photos that were lost I started to tear up and they decided to take the laptop back and "see what they could do". Patience is not really one of my virtues, but I'm dealing.

Additionally, my camera has been wicked blurry for quite some time now. However, since I gave up the laptop, I'm not letting anything else out of my possession until I have it back.

It's five here on July 4th.. Happy Independence Day! I have no particular American plans. Vietnamese Independence Day will be interesting (in September). Also, it's 5 and just started raining... gotta love rainy season!

I haven't been up to much, just working and enjoying the expatriate lifestyle. Yesterday a couple of the Euros and I went for a ride outside the city to this cute little pagoda. You're in luck that I have an amazing roommate that let me borrow her camera (once I get the proper name of it, it's going on my wish list ;)) So, I took some pretty nice photos, which of course, I don't have at work to upload.

Saturday night we ALL went out (that's so rare). Here are a few photos of that (yay for the internet), proof that I am alive and well.

Most of my western coworkers.

Another group photo.


My roommate, Tracey.

Anyway, that's all for now. I'll try and upload the pagoda photos soon, too, as party pictures are probably less interesting to some of you ;). Miss and love you all!

xo, L

1 comment:

  1. Nice pics sis, looking good. Looks like you are enjoying your time there. Have fun for me too.
