Saturday, December 3, 2011

Good Morning... Singapore

Just doesn't have the same ring as Good Morning Vietnam.

The idea of Singapore is really wonderful - but the practice kinda sucks. I've been here for four hours and haven't met anyone. I know how whiny that sounds, but I guess Vietnam has spoiled me a bit in that sense. Plus, nothing is in walking distance and there's cars, cars, and more cars - but the city is cleaner than a shiny penny.

I've been wandering around this mall structure, trapped due to a downpour of lake-making proportions, thinking how lovely and western, yet so far from America it is. It might be nice to live here and shirk one more year of being a full-fledged American with American responsibilities and debt. Of course, it's only a mild escape because it's super expensive here (I just paid 13 Singapore dollars (just under 11USD) for a Kilkenny, but I certainly would never find it at "home", so I'll enjoy it).

It's so clean you could eat toast that fell jelly side down off the street, no kidding. Eating and drinking are banned in the streets, chewing gum is "forbidden" (as the Euros would say), and it seems you can't smoke any where, not just inside. Hefty fines come along with these and the police carry gun in hand (as opposed to Vietnam where it's just slung over one's shoulder). I wouldn't mess around.

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