Monday, June 25, 2012

Henry Rollins Strikes Again

Seriously love this guy. He's always got something beautiful/insightful to say.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Building a home?

I'm reading 'Art Deco' before it goes to first print and I came across this, which I hope to remember if I ever get around to building/renovating my own space:

“Demand that the bathroom, fully sunlit, be one of the largest rooms in the apartment, the old living room for example. With full-length windows, opening, if possible, onto a terrace for sunbathing, a porcelain washbasin, a bath-tub, showers, and gym equipment. In the adjacent room: a walk-in wardrobe for dressing and undressing. Do not undress in your bedroom. It is not very clean and it creates a distressing disorder. Demand one big room in place of all the living rooms. If you can, put the kitchen under the roof, to avoid odours. Demand a garage for cars, bicycles, and motorbikes from your owner, one per apartment. Ask for the servants’ quarters to be on the same floor. Do not pen your servants in under the roofs.” - Le Corbusier

Meanwhile, I just finished my first real book. The first one a six year old could have done, the second one big boss took over, and finally I got my own. The subject matter is erotic art in Berlin. Big boss kept checking on me because he thinks Americans are prude, but I think it went well. I hope he looks at it before he goes to France for two weeks so I can move on to the next step. If it's approved with few changes I'll get to do Amsterdam and Paris as well. I have to admit, however, I am a little weary and desensitised to looking at the business end of men and women and especially exaggerated orgies. All in a day's work.


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What Happens When You Live Abroad

I don't know when I'm going to make it back to the States. Some days I'm not even sure I ever want to. The longer I'm gone, the smaller and further away it seems. I'm missing weddings, birthdays, babies - but none of it feels like enough to give this up.

If you're ever wondering what's really going though my head, check out this article and skim through some of the comments. I always thought all ex-pats had something at the core in common, this is just further proof.


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Bronchitis and Freelancing

Bad news: Picked up bronchitis and have been out of commission since last Saturday. The doctor's ordered me not to go to work and everything. Pretty sure Big Boss is none too pleased with this, especially when he realises I've got firm plans to go to Thailand or Malaysia for a week in July... Time will tell. Also bad news, I'm going to have to sit out on this month's dOSe party - which is always so much fun. Sad times. Maybe we'll make it to Intercon Brunch this weekend, which would make up for all the other bad news.

Good news: Picked up a freelance editing gig for an American here who wrote a children's book. I'm having tons of fun working it in between naps, watching The Wire, and showering my fever away. It's my first proper freelance gig and she took my first quote with no negotiation (it would be unprofessional to further brag). I'm not going to make tons off of this project, but it'll give me extra cred and experience. And the character (a sixth grade smartie pants out to save the world from pollution) is a little riot. We could have been friends.

The writer is Jersey born and raised and moved to California when she was 25. She's been out here three years and is heading back for good at the end of the month. She's a free spirit and great to talk to, probably because we can relate to each other. I wish I'd met her sooner. If this book becomes anything, she plans to write more to the series, maybe she'll ask me to edit for her again. Michael said it would be funny if I was editing the next Harry Potter. Having read the Harry Potter series three times now, I highly doubt it, but that would be pretty amazing.

Love to all