Saturday, August 25, 2012

Toughing out the week

To be quite honest this past week was rather un-enjoyable - there are a slew of other words I could use, but I will likely one day use this blog to procure another job and so I will just say it wasn't a wonderful week.

I re-signed yet another six month contract with this company on Tuesday, for which they've promised a full flight "home". I tried to argue that I may not want to go "home" and that maybe I'll find a job in South America or Germany or something, but he was afraid I'd use it to go on an extended holiday. In the end I conceded before he changed his mind altogether. Besides, at that point I will not have been home in two years and even if I do decide to come back and work for another company in Vietnam/Asia, a one way ticket is much cheaper than a RT.

Anyway, with the re-signing came an overwhelming feeling of dread, which I still cannot explain even if the feeling has well passed. I guess I'm really just missing the comforts and familiarity of people back home that I've known for years and years and to whom I don't have to explain why I just need some time apart. I guess life-guarding for ten years really didn't help me spend nine hours a day at work, and then four hours an evening socialising with the same ten people. Though, in all fairness, most people have a work life and social life that never meet.

But here we are at the end of one and beginning of another week. It's my work Saturday, for which I'm convinced whoever invented working on Saturdays not only hated having a life outside of work, I also think they had an incredible amount of money because when you're working you're not spending! On my way in this morning I discovered my first flat tire here. It was a really, honestly all sarcasm aside, beautiful moment sitting on the side of a busy road in the cool morning air while the guy who's set up there every day fixed my flat. I never take time to sit outside in the morning - who does? But maybe I should.

Other than that, nothing too special going on. I'm going to Hoi An next weekend with no one from work. Not only looking forward to the beauty I've only heard of and seen in photos, the thousands of tailors, and the seclusion of beach life, but especially to actually coming to miss the things that were driving me crazy last week.

Hope you're all well and gearing up for Autumn. Oh how terribly I miss boots and scarves. Lots of love, L

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Professional blogger, at your service...

I've been blogging for my company since June or so. Big Boss oscillates between wanting the blogs to be controversial, funny, or informative. I've kept it to myself for the most part because, adhering to his request to be controversial, I may upset some friends and family with a few of my remarks. Also, there's actual controversy with the company which is a few years old but keeps us all wondering what will happen when we apply to other (publishing) companies.

In order to retain some of my anonymity, I came up with the great idea to use aliases which we can share with prospective employers or not. Thus far I'm the only one that's stuck with the idea and requested my alias be added to previous posts. I chose Le Lorrain Andrews after 17th century Baroque painter Claude Lorrain. Some are funnier than others, others are more controversial than some, if you come across them, keep in mind that it's done for readership, to stir a little controversy, and to keep people coming back for more. I don't necessarily believe everything I write in there AND I've always enjoyed a rousing round of Devil's Advocate, right mom? ;)

A Few Thoughts from Parkstone International