Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day from Vietnam.

Apparently it's 86 degrees outside today, but since the norm is upwards of 95, it feels a lot cooler, even the humidity is down, it's a beautiful day by my standards. Everyone keeps saying we skipped the hot season and have gone straight to rainy season, and it is QUITE rainy, if it rains, you're soaked in three seconds, but it's completely tolerable... for now. I'm still struggling with the Celsius/Fahrenheit conversion.

Tuesday I went to Lush, which I think if I skipped just ONE Tuesday my roommates would have me replaced in the apartment. It's always a really good time, but I always end up staying out too late. "Why is Tuesday so much fun and Wednesday the worst day of the week?" "Because Tuesday is ladies night and Wednesday is hang over day." Touché.

St. Patrick's Day was quite an adventure, everyone around the world, not just in the US, thinks they are Irish on this day. Which is funny because I'm pretty sure they don't celebrate St. Patrick's Day this way in Ireland (Just like they don't celebrate Cinco de Mayo in Mexico as well celebrated as it is in the US). No "Irish potatoes" to be found anywhere though... that was intensely disappointing, also not a worldly food, it might just be a Jersey thing based on my limited research. I met a nice group of Australians, that have since gone back or to London, in what I suppose could be considered an Irish Pub. That's something that I don't think I'll get used to, the transience. I've also noticed where the US has a lot of people with Italian or Irish backgrounds, a lot of people here are Australian or German. That's easily my favorite thing, meeting so many people from so many backgrounds.

I am still settling overall. I have to work this Saturday due to silly office politics, no sense complaining about things I can't change. But I think Julien (the French head of marketing at my company) and I are going to meet other people from the office in Vung Tau (the closest beach to Saigon) when we get off at 12. I'm hoping to head up to the Mekong soon, I hear it's a good day trip. My roommates are trying to convince me to go to Kuala Lumpur, and I'd like to, I just am not quite ready to shell out the money for that. I am, however, ready to spend an entire day at the spa (full body massage, hair wash, cut and dry, manicure, pedicure, and facial) for ten whole dollars. Unbelievable.

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