Thursday, November 3, 2011


I think it's a well known fact that I have a maid... and I'm going to start off by saying that I feel like an over-privileged jerk even complaining about the situation, but:

I don't know what this woman does. She folds our blankets and sheets and puts them on the pillow as opposed to making the bed, so when I come home late, like tonight, I have to make my bed before I can sleep. She washes dishes, but she doesn't put them away. She moves stale/bad food from one place to another in the refrigerator as opposed to throwing it away. She washes the toilets and some sinks, but doesn't clean the mold or soap scum in the showers. I don't think she mops the floors in our bedrooms. She doesn't wash, hang, take down, or fold our laundry. She throws away perfectly good contact lens cases with contacts in them. She doesn't clean behind, under, or around anything. I don't know what she does?!

Oh wait, she makes sure our bills get paid, as long as we lay the appropriate amount of money out on the table, but we have to wait a week or two to get refunds or change.

The icing on the "I have an awful maid" cake: my flatmate came home to pen drawings on his wall... know who will have to pay for the repaint? Us.

I'm not very happy with this woman. But then again, I feel immense guilt complaining about a luxury that I will probably never be able to afford in the western world.

My friend has a studio and pays his maid $25 more dollars than we pay ours a month and she does all the things my maid doesn't PLUS his grocery shopping. I seriously think it's time to switch. (Or maybe start doing these things for myself in the event that I move to a place that I can't afford to have a maid and realise how much I really appreciated what little my current maid does ... I know, you don't have to remind me.)

But really, as I told a friend, if more people in the US had maids, more people would have jobs. Just like if more states had gas attendants. Sure, they aren't the most exciting or prestigious jobs, but I'm just saying.


1 comment:

  1. I say, if she can't at least make the bed, she has to
